To celebrate National Student Engagement and Philanthropy Day
on February 27, 2014, the University at Buffalo held its first-ever TAG Day (Thank And Give Day).
We had several goals going into this multi-faceted project: educate students about philanthropy,
expose students to the impact of giving at UB, recognize faculty and staff
giving and thank current donors.
Office of Donor Relations and Stewardship and the Office of Annual Programs
began planning for TAG Day together in November 2013. Once our basic ideas were formed, we assembled
a larger committee, with representation from development staff in our 14 schools
and units. The committee gave great
input and helped to formalize the plan.
TAG Day Stations: We originally wanted to keep it simple and set
up 2 or 3 “TAG Day Stations” in high traffic areas on each of our campuses.
After forming our larger committee, the excitement grew and so did our
plan. We ended up with 12 stations
Goal #1: Engage, educate and expose students to
· At each station, we used
price tags to tag items and spaces on campus that have been supported by donor
dollars. Since we are a large, public
institution, it is very difficult for us to find the exact cost of items. Instead of exact prices, our tags featured a
few different phrases such as “Did you know?” facts.
· We also tagged physical
items (a police bike and a microscope for example) and large signs that were
made for the day with photos of scholarship students or endowed faculty.
· We handed out lollipops and
bracelets that encouraged students to “Think
About Giving”
Goal #2: Thank donors
· Students were asked to sign
thank you banners that were ultimately left behind for display at each
station. They were also asked to write
handwritten messages on pre-printed thank you cards.
· Students (and
faculty/staff!) had a lot of fun using props and signs to take “selfies” saying
thank you to our donors. We had
hand-held signs made up to use in the photos.
Students could take their pick of what sign they wanted to use. We encouraged them to post their photos to
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram using #UBTAGDAY. To further incentivize them, we offered $100
campus cash to the top 3 winning photos.
In the end we had 64 photos on Instagram, 336 posts and photos on
Twitter and 43 posts on Facebook.
Goal #3: Recognize faculty and staff giving:
· We wanted to both recognize
faculty and staff donors as well as show students that faculty and staff give
back. We mailed a letter with an
explanation of TAG Day along with buttons that said “I GIVE, TAG, you’re it!
#UBTAGDAY” to current faculty/staff donors and asked that they wear their pins
on February 27th. There was
much more buzz from our faculty/staff donors than we anticipated!
were very responsive to our message and happy to sign our banners and write
thank you notes. They were very excited to take photos with our props and post them
to social media. Our volunteers had just as much fun as the students taking
“selfies” and pictures of their stations – it sort of became a competition
between the stations. At our Student Union station, our university president
and a few other university leaders stopped by and posed for pictures with
station had their own thing going for them – some received more thank you notes
than others, my station got a lot of signatures on our banner, and other
stations had amazing student photos that were posted! We even had donors who
were not in Buffalo posting #UBTAGDAY and telling people why they supported UB.
In all, we are calling #UBTAGDAY a success! We are already working on a plan for next year’s TAG Day. Next year,
would like to do a little more investigating into what days certain groups of
students are on campus, such as our pharmacy and law students who are only on
campus certain days of the week. TAG Day was a lot of work but we had a great
team behind us and we had fun! We encourage all schools out there to do
something for National
Student Engagement and Philanthropy Day. It’s important to educate today’s
students about philanthropy as they will hopefully be tomorrow’s donors.
For more UB TAG Day
information, please feel free to contact Katie Camm in UB’s office of Donor
Relations and Stewardship at or (716) 881-7483.
I work for a nonprofit (not a college) and we did a successful thank-a-thon last year. I need to defend to leadership doing a thank-a-thon again. Do you have suggestions on hard data showing the extra thank you notes and calls make a difference? We are pulling the retention rate and giving totals on the group of donors we thanked last year as well, but since not so much time has past those numbers don't say a ton (the retention of that group is 4% better than our average group but would they be anyways, etc.).